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Hi boys! My name is Angeles Cid, the most sensual and sophisticated shemale in the world. I'm 21 years old and fully transformed into a classy well endowed woman.

Speaking of my shemale cock, I have been called the "super shewoman" because of the size of my penis. As you can see in the video the left, I have 10 hefty inches of cock, with almost 7 inches of girth. Yep, I'm very proud of it ;)

That said, I want to personally welcome you to my website. I hope you enjoy my very wild videos and super quality photos, and why not, I also hope that you'll meet me in person.

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Sexy in Black and White | 07/18/2024
Erection and Boots | 07/01/2024
I Drill Him Anally | 06/19/2024
Sexy Swimsuit | 06/11/2024
Sensual and Erect | 06/03/2024
Sexy Red Boots | 05/26/2024
At the Beach | 05/23/2024
Photoshoot in Red | 05/18/2024
Do You Like Stilettos? | 05/15/2024

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